Ways to Boost Your Energy for Enhanced Performance on the Football Field

December 14, 2023 by Staff

Whether you are a professional athlete or a weekend workout enthusiast, you’ll know the importance of maintaining your energy levels. This is especially important on the football field, where your teammates and supporters are relying on your ability to perform. However, there are many things that can impact your fitness, speed, and agility, reducing your overall efficiency and making it challenging to keep up. 

Here are some of the most dangerous enemies of peak performance and the best ways to defeat them to stay in optimal condition. 

Three of the Biggest Energy Killers and How to Combat Them 

There are many things that can influence your energy levels from day to day, and it’s normal to experience the occasional slump. But when there’s a game on, you need to be able to dig deep, even if you are struggling. One of the best ways to do this is to recognize the things that might be holding you back so you can take decisive action and counteract them as best you can. 

Three of the biggest energy killers are, unfortunately, things that are generally rife in our hectic modern lives. They include: 

  • Lack of nutrition
  • Lack of sleep
  • Stress and anxiety 

Fortunately, there are plenty of things that you can do to fight back. Some of these are self-evident, such as eating a nutritious diet, getting enough shuteye, and making time to relax. 

Others are less obvious, for example, the countless herbal remedies and supplements that claim to boost your energy levels and enhance performance. We will explore whether these products really work in the final section, but first, let’s look at some more conventional ways you can level up your game. 

Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels on the Football Field

If you want to boost your energy levels on the football field and in everyday life, you will need to look at where there’s room for improvement in your daily routines. Let’s take a deep dive into the top three energy killers listed above and how to identify which one might be your biggest nemesis. Some key questions to ask yourself include the following: 

Are You Getting the Nutrients You Need for Optimal Performance and Energy Levels?

If you feel like you are not in peak condition, it could be down to a nutritional issue. Carbohydrates are the best dietary source of energy, but they often get a bad rap. However, carbohydrates themselves are not the issue; it is more about the type of carbohydrates you choose to consume. 

You should reduce your intake of simple carbohydrates like refined sugar, white bread, rice, and pasta and replace them with more complex carbs, like whole grains (think wholemeal bread and pasta or brown rice) and sweet potatoes. 

This will help you avoid blood sugar spikes and crashes and give you a more steady release of energy throughout the day. Combining your carbs with some high-fiber and high-protein foods will help to slow down the release of energy even further. 

Furthermore, many different vitamins and minerals play a role in energy release, including the B vitamins, vitamin C, iron, magnesium, and zinc. Ensure you are getting enough of these by eating a varied diet with a mixture of different fruits and veggies, whole grains, and moderate amounts of animal products if that is part of your diet. Vegetarians and vegans might need to make an extra effort to get all the micronutrients they need, but it is perfectly possible with a little work. 

Are You Getting Enough Sleep to Rest and Rejuvenate Your Body? 

It might seem eye-rollingly obvious that not getting enough sleep can impact your energy levels, but many of us don’t get anywhere near the amount of rest required to rejuvenate our bodies and keep our fitness levels at their peak. 

Experts recommend eight hours of sleep a night for optimal health and well-being. If you are finding it hard to get enough, take a look at your bedtime routine. 

You should aim to go to bed at the same time each day, even at the weekend. Get up early and spend some time in the morning light, then dim the lights in the evening to keep your in-built body clock functioning well. Avoid electronic screens and stimulating activities before bed, and don’t eat too late or consume caffeine in the evening, as all of these can promote wakefulness. Avoid using your bedroom for anything other than sleep (and sex), and invest in comfortable bedding, thick curtains, and earplugs to create a serene sanctuary of slumber. Your energy levels will thank you later! 

How Do You Manage Stress and Anxiety? 

Stress and anxiety are common and have a severe impact on your general well-being and performance. They can lower your mood, impact your metabolism, cause fatigue, and brutally kill your motivation. 

If this sounds like you, it’s time to act. Reduce the sources of stress in your life as best you can by saying no to unnecessary commitments and managing your time effectively. Meanwhile, try to increase your resilience by using relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga, or taichi. Make time each week for some activities that you find enjoyable and relaxing; if that’s football, then great, but there are plenty of alternatives, so tune into what you really need. 

Finally, consider sharing your problems with a trusted friend or, if you have severe symptoms, consult a professional for support.

Performance Enhancing Herbs and Supplements

Some people use herbal remedies and nutritional supplements to boost their energy levels and enhance their performance. But there are so many products on the market claiming to have these benefits that it can be difficult to know which to trust. Unfortunately, some of them have little evidence to support their effectiveness. However, others are scientifically proven to help. 

We think CBD gummies 1500mg are a great all-rounder. CBD has been shown to improve sleep and reduce anxiety, and its anti-inflammatory properties mean it is great for post-football recovery, too. Many people even say it improves their energy levels when used as part of a balanced lifestyle. Why not try it for yourself and see?